The Resurrection of the Body
One of the abiding confusions in contemporary Christian theology is over the claim that Jesus was raised from the dead. The vast majority of Christians affirm this, at least when they say the creeds, but there have been notable exceptions by theologians who decide that this claim isn't credible given a modern scientific worldview. It seems to me that too often both affirmation and denial are based on naive acceptance or rejection of an Enlightenment worldview that is already fading from a Western understanding of the nature of reality and the knowledge of reality. The gospels tell us that Jesus died, was placed in a tomb, and that on the third day the tomb was found by his followers to be empty. The gospels also tell us that the people involved had two immediate explanations; either it was grave robbers, or perhaps the disciples themselves stole the body. Then Jesus himself appears to his disciples in such a way that they know he is risen from the dead. And his interactions ...