Bringing Christ Down to Earth
The miracle of incarnation is in its particularity. God is most exalted when we recognize and preach the real depth to which the God humbled God’s self: just to save a single world of the countless worlds in the domain of the Divine. By contrast our efforts to exalt the event of Jesus' birth to universal significance reveals how diminutive our Christian concept of God really is: the tribal deity of a single species imprisoned by its puerile imperial claims. The authors of scripture had no concept of the cosmos as we know it, and clearly saw the incarnation as a human event in human history for the salvation of humankind. Only when we recognize this can we realize what it means to worship a Transcendent God whose love is so great that he takes human form and suffers death on the cross to save just a microscopic portion of the uncountable creatures in God's boundless creation. And only when we recognize this can we preach a credible gospel to humans whose self-understanding is s...