This is the Way Your World Ends
The church faces a change in human self-understanding as great or greater than that of the Enlightenment, but seems strangely complacent in its own destruction. Conflicts over the theological status of LBGTQ+ persons that have stuttered through Christian communities over the last 70 years. They are urgent, and deeply affect the well being of hurting people. Yet they are a mere foretaste of conflicts to come. Humanity faces tectonic changes in our self-understanding that will sweep both sides of these late modern controversies down into obscurity as their debates become unintelligible in an emerging global culture. Each of us is currently participating and even hastening on these changes in what it means to be human. Have you had any part of your body replaced; from near ubiquitous lens replacement surgery for cataracts to heart valve replacement to replacements of knees, hips, kidneys, lungs, corneas, livers, skin and so on. Face transplants are now possible, and nervous system tr...