Being Less than Everything
In the last post I suggested that United Methodists, and indeed Christians generally are locked in conflict because they have at least two fundamentally different understandings of the structure of reality. Current dialogue is at an impasse because these understandings are totalizing: the claim of each to account for reality as a whole excludes the validity of other such understandings. In the light of such a claim dialogue isn't merely pointless, it is a dangerous retreat from upholding the truth - saving truth - before a misguided world. The problem of dialogue between different understandings of reality isn't new, and came to be fully recognized in 20th century efforts at inter-religious dialogue. As such dialogue became more common the depth of the problem became clearer. In 1992 Schubert Ogden published his Is There One True Religion or Are There Many to address this problem. In 1995 Mark Heim published Salvations addressing the same problem with a different approach. A...