The Quadralateral of Unknowing.
I was watching one of those pop-science shows and the breathless announcer said, “and look what we can see when we use the infra-red images.” Later it would be “and here is what X-rays reveal.” Exciting, but hopefully humbling. Because its a reminder that the best human eyes are blind to 99% of what is going on around them. We only see a pretty narrow range of light waves. Only in the 19th and 20th centuries have both scientific theories, discoveries, and instrutments mad the rest available to us. All the tools we humans have at our disposal to perceive and understand God and God’s revelation in Jesus Christ are as limited as our eyes are in perceiving the physical world. This is why the current back and forth about the so-called “Wesleyan Quadralateral” is so fruitless. Scripture, Tradition, Reason, and Experierence are both the windows through which we can understand the things of God, and the window frames that keep us from seeing more than a tiny fraction of what there is to k...