Progress is Not Redemption
Perhaps the greatest Christian fallacy in the modern era is the belief that because the world is getting better in measurable ways it is progressing toward redemption. It is a fallacy incorporated in the United Methodist slogan “Making Disciples of Christ for the Transformation of the World.” If we United Methodists had said, “making disciples of Christ who could then make the world a more habitable/decent/prosperous place to live” it wouldn’t have been so dramatic, but it would have been within our grasp. But to transform , to change the basic form of the world is a nonsensical goal. Scripture is clear that this is something that happened in one sense with the death and resurrection and Christ, and in the full sense will happen only when Christ returns. Until the latter happens the only form the human heart, human communities, or indeed the world will manifest is the mal formations caused by Sin. The calling of the Church is not to ...