Who Defines Perfection?
I was recently forwarded the following question from a Muslim living in the DFW area, and clearly conversant with Christian theology and scripture. Looking at it might help us clarify some of the issues that are part of interfaith dialogue at that level of theology. "Now the question: James in his Epistle mentions "the Father of Lights" with whom there is no shadow of change. This is a clear statement on the Eternal, Absolute, and Perfect nature and attributes of God. If one agrees with this how can one maintain that Jesus is one of Trinity. Becoming human means change which is impossible with God. It also means a degradation of his Perfect attributes. Jesus himself is a witness to this degradtion, when he says only the Father knows the coming of the Hour (recorded by both Matthew and Mark, I believe). Theoretically, this does not add up. Could you please comment. ” It’s useful to begin with what is least obvious in this question, that we find here a Muslim in...